Category: Toys and Fun


Came across this song… well, it’s the first song I put in my youtube favorites list. I think it’s an original composition… I must say it’s quite good. He has 2 other uploads… both are...

Software to complement iTunes

I’m been looking for software to download lyrics for itunes. I’ve used PearLyrics for some time now. It is a (Mac OS) widget that searches for the lyrics ad downloads it. But it doesn’t seem...

My first night golf

Played 9-holes yesterday with XY and A at Marina Bay Golf Course. Night golf is nice… much cooler and not much crowd, can take our time to play. I played much better this time, looking...

My first 18-hole golf game

Played my first 18-hole golf game at Marina Bay Golf Course on Saturday. I didn’t have a valid PC, so got to take the admission test. I arrived a little earlier to warm up at...

More Updates…

Decided to start a new post so that it wouldn’t be too long… Next update – I’ve got a new phone!!! =) My new phone is a Nokia E51, rose steel in colour. I like...